1 March is Zero Discrimination Day. Let’s come together to end discrimination and celebrate diversity, tolerance and inclusion. By joining our voices together, we can be part of a resounding call for human rights, compassion and tolerance that cannot be ignored. #zerodiscrimination
Zero Discrimination Day on 1 March is an opportunity to celebrate everyone’s right to live a full and productive life with dignity—no matter what they look like, where they come from or who they love. Let’s come together to end discrimination and celebrate diversity, tolerance and inclusion.
On Zero Discrimination Day 2017, embrace the diversity that exists around us, understand and accept people’s differences, open minds and respect and support one another. #zerodiscrimination
Zero Discrimination Day is an opportunity to highlight how everyone can be part of the transformation and make some noise for fair, equal and just societies. Join the #zerodiscrimination movement.
Discrimination is a violation of human rights and must not go unchallenged. This Zero Discrimination Day, by joining our voices together we can be part of a resounding call for human rights, compassion and tolerance that cannot be ignored.
1 March is #ZeroDiscrimination Day, a time to celebrate diversity, tolerance and inclusion.
Support #ZeroDiscrimination Day on 1 March. Let's celebrate diversity, tolerance and inclusion.
#Discrimination is a violation of #humanrights & must not go unchallenged. On 1 March, make some noise for #zerodiscrimination.
Be part of a resounding call for #compassion, #tolerance & #peace. Join the #zerodiscrimination movement.
Everyone has the right to live with #respect and #dignity. Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination.
We all have equal rights to live free from violence, persecution, #discrimination & #stigma. Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination.
73 countries still criminalize same-sex sexual relations. Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination.
13 states or territories have the death penalty for same-sex sexual relations. Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination.
LGBTI rights are #humanrights. End punitive laws, #zerodiscrimination on #SOGI and #HIV grounds!
#Transgender people face discrimination based on #genderidentity, #HIV & other grounds. #zerodiscrimination to #endAIDS
Punitive laws, discrimination, violence put #sexworkers at risk for #HIV. #zerodiscrimination to #endAIDS
There are 35 countries, territories and areas with #HIV-related #travel restrictions. Demand #zerodiscrimination.
Discrimination threatens the #health, dignity & security of ppl living with & vulnerable to #HIV. Join the #zerodiscrimination movement.
To reach zero new #HIV infections & zero #AIDS-related deaths, we must achieve #zerodiscrimination.
Discrimination is a violation of #humanrights - it is illegal, dehumanizing & acts as a major barrier to #health services. #zerodiscrimination
On 1 March, #ZeroDiscrimination Day is an opportunity to celebrate everyone’s right to live a life with #dignity.
Discrimination doesn’t just hurt individuals or groups of ppl - it hurts everyone. Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination.
We need to stand united in support of anyone who faces discrimination. Join the #zerodiscrimination movement.
In only 3 out of 10 countries worldwide do equal numbers of #girls & #boys attend upper secondary #school. Demand #zerodiscrimination.
People with disabilities are more than 2x as likely to find #health-care providers’ skills inadequate. Demand #zerodiscrimination for all.
Discriminating against ppl based on race causes individual suffering & weakens social cohesion. Demand #zerodiscrimination for all.
Preventing girls & young #women from getting a proper#education not only disadvantages them but society too. Demand #zerodiscrimination
We can all make a difference and contribute to a world without #discrimination. Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination.
People living with #HIV experience #unemployment rates 3x higher than national unemployment rates. Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination at work.
#Zerodiscrimination means all people are able to access #employment.
Health settings
The #right2health is a fundamental #humanright that incl. access to affordable, timely & quality #health care services. #Zerodiscrimination
#Health settings among most frequent environments where ppl face #HIV-related stigma & #discrimination. Make some noise #zerodiscrimination.
#Stigma & #discrimination are among the foremost barriers to #HIV prevention, treatment, care & support. Demand #zerodiscrimination for all.
#Stigma & #discrimination undermine #HIV prevention efforts by making ppl afraid to seek HIV info & services. Support #zerodiscrimination.
1 in 8 people living with #HIV report having been denied #health care. Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination
More than 10% of people living with #HIV identify stigma as barrier to ART adherence. #Zerodiscrimination needed for #909090.
In a study in #Asia, 45% women reported that they were advised not to have children following their #HIV diagnosis. #zerodiscrimination
Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination so all people have access to #HIV & other #health services w/o fear of judgement or mistreatment
Any obstacles that inhibit access to #health-care facilities must be removed. Make some noise for #zerodiscrimination
Access to quality #health services must be universal. Join the #zerodiscrimination movement
Everyone, everywhere should have quality #health services. Support the #zerodiscrimination movement
Stigma discourages people living with #HIV from getting tested and accessing life-saving health care and treatment #zerodiscrimination
#Zerodiscrimination means that all people are able to access #HIV & other health services w/o fear of judgement or mistreatment
Science is clear. #Stigma and #discrimination are bad for your health. Take action for #zerodiscrimination!
60% EU/EEA countries report stigma and #discrimination by health-care workers as barrier to #HIV prevention for #keypopulations.[1]
In Canada, many women living with #HIV report HIV stigma, gender & racial discrimination, depression. #Zerodiscrimination on any ground![2]
In New Zealand, almost half of #PLHIV surveyed reported stigma & discrimination in health-care settings. #Zerodiscrimination[3]
In Peru, stigma prevents women living with #HIV from seeking treatment. #Zerodiscrimination to #endAIDS[4]
In Swaziland, 62% #MSM surveyed were afraid to seek health care. #Zerodiscrimination for healthy lives for all[5]
In the US nearly 27% of transgender people report being refused health care. #Zerodiscrimination[6]
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