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Monday, 29 May 2017

10 Qualities that Define Successful Teachers

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What makes a successful teacher? If you were to ask any observer you may hear things like,

"the teacher kept the students engaged via unique teaching strategies , and the classroom basically ran by itself". 

But, if you were to ask a student, you’d probably hear a different
response along the lines of “they make learning fun” or “they never give up on me.”

To be honest, there are countless teaching strategies you can use to achieve success in

the classroom, but no matter the teaching style, the most effective teachers have one
thing in common—they know how to reach their students in a long-lasting, positive manner.

Here are 10 qualities that contribute to a successful and happy teaching career:

1. Successful teachers hold high expectations of their students.
The most effective teachers expect their students to succeed, they believe in them, and
motivate them to keep trying until they reach their goal. As a result, they set the bar high
and create an environment where students can push themselves beyond their comfort zone to reach their goals, but also have a safety net to catch them if they fail.

2. Successful teachers have a sense of humor .

If you ask a student who their favorite teacher is, they are more than likely to tell you about the teacher that makes them laugh. They aren’t afraid to be silly and can laugh at their own mistakes. Humor helps create that lasting impression.

3. Successful teachers are knowledgeable in their field.

The best teachers are masters in their subject area. They know their craft and never stop learning. They are curious, confident, and do not need a textbook to teach their students. They stay abreast of their subject and transfer their love of knowledge to their students.

4. Successful teachers use teaching strategies that cause them to think outside of the box.

Productive teachers think creatively and try and make classroom experiences exciting for students. They identify ways to leap outside of the educational norms and create experiences that are unexpected, unique, and ultimately more memorable.

5. Successful teachers take risks.
A popular saying is, “If there is no risk, there is no reward.” Successful teachers know that
risk-taking is a part of being successful. Children learn by observing, and when they see you try new things (and watch how you handle success and failure) they too will know how to handle similar situations.

6. Successful teachers are consistent.
Successful teachers are consistent in ALL that they do. Do what you say you’re going to do and stick with it. This applies to enforcing class rules, a consistent grading system, and the expectations for all your students. Do not play favorites or make special exceptions.

7. Successful teachers communicate with parents and students.
Effective teachers know that communication is the key to student success. They create an open path of communication between parents and students, and recognize that a united front between both groups lowers the chance that children will get left behind.

8. Successful teachers are up-to-date with the latest in technology .

Great teachers take the time to explore new tools and stay up-to-date with latest technology. They are not afraid of what technology holds for education in the future, and are willing to learn and incorporate the new trends into their classroom.

9. Successful teachers make learning fun.

This goes hand in hand with having a sense of humor, but making learning fun doesn’t mean you have to put on a comedy show. Find ways to mix up your lesson plans based upon your students’ interests. When they see you putting in effort to get to know them and mold your teachings around their lives, the more successful you will become.

10. Successful teachers can empathize with students.

The best teachers are patient with students, and understand when they are under stress or have problems with material. They do whatever is necessary to get their students back on track, and are able to recognize that everybody has bad days.

If you’re looking to take the next step in your teaching career, you can learn a lot from what successful teachers do differently. Although it can be quite intimidating to think of all of the things we must do in order to reach our students, it is possible to master these skills one day at a time.

What do you think makes a successful classroom teacher?

Feel free to share the
qualities and skills that you think are essential
to reach the peak of success as a teacher? We would love to hear your thoughts.

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